Friday, May 11, 2012

Biology Protist in Water HW

1) Read and notes for ch 24 on animals, pgs. 690 - 715.

Here is Protists in water lab

Protista & other Microbes

Pond water may appear to contain little or nothing at all, but when observed under the micro­scope, it may reveal many things. Another world in miniature exists in pond water. If you are lucky, examples of protists, monerans, plants, and animals may be viewed.


In this experiment, you will:
·         examine water samples under the microscope.
·         identify the organisms that are most common to different locations in this environment.


microscope slide and coverslip
water samples (hay infusion, aquarium, Lake Merced & Pacific Ocean)


  1. Use a dropper to place a drop of sample water taken from either near the water surface or from the bottom of the container  and put a drop on a clean microscope slide. Put a cover slip on the drop.
  2. Examine the water under the scanning power of your microscope. Move the slide around so that all areas are observed.  If you find an organism observe it on scanning power than on the next higher objective.
  3. Use the pictures of organisms in Figure 1 to help you identify what you observe. If an organ­ism is observed draw a picture, label it, record observations about its movement type. 
  4. Repeat the process for each water sample one water sample for each student, but you should all look when an organism is found by a lab partner.
  5. CAUTION: Always wash your hands after handling microbes.

Questions and Conclusions  Record these questions  in your notebooks and on the group data sheet that will be turned in at the end of class

  1. Are different types of organisms seen in the different samples? Give examples.
  2. Are there similar types of organisms?  Examples
  3. What major difference is there between the protist kingdom and the animal kingdom?
  4. Describe how the different organisms moved.
  5. How do the eyespot and the chloroplasts work together to help the euglena survive?  You do not have to see a Euglenoid to answer.

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