Monday, December 7, 2015

Phys. Sci Hw 12/7/15

read and notes ch 30.2 on star classification and characteristics., pgs. 813-820.

Physical science HW- Notes for CH 31

done as theree HW assignments:

Ch 31.3 pg847-851 assigned 11/25/15

Ch 31.2, pg. 839-846 assigned 12/01/15

Ch 31.1 , pg. 833-838 assigned 12/03/15

Tech C-3 analysis questions from Nov. 24th,2015

“ Tech C ” Analysis Questions
6) Based on your results, what is the charge of each of the dyes you ran?  Why?  

7) The distance a dye runs is based on size of the dye, bigger molecules travel slower.  What are the relative sizes of your 6 dyes?

8) What conclusions can you make about your dyes?

9) In this activity DNA is NOT mixed with this loading dye but it will be when you load and test your DNA.  Where would you expect to find the DNA?

Thursday, December 3, 2015

all classes Current event extra credit oppurtunity

ALL classes: Current events e.c.

You will choose an article or science related video of over 2 pages or 45 minutes on science current event. It will fall into one (or more) of these categories:
·         Scientific discovery – for example, scientists find comets may have delivered the water found in earth’s oceans.
·         Science-related event – for example, the Japan earthquake/tsunami/nuclear plant meltdown; the launch of a space probe.
·         A cultural change/happening that involves science/technology – for example, bicyclists’ clothing that can act as a radar gun to show drivers how fast they’re moving.
·         Science in public policy – for example, a bill or law that deals with science (cap on carbon emissions).
The article must be timely, meaning it’s been published within the past six months or 3 yrs. for videos. Finally, technology articles are okay, but I will not accept any product announcements or reviews.
Create a write-up of your current event, summarizing the story and answering key questions. You will include a copy of the story you are citing or the golden page format for the video, movie or program.  
Science current events will:
Cite the news source, using the Oceana Golden page format for citations found on the Oceana website. Magazine Article:
Perlman, Jeff. “Sultan of Swat.” Sports Illustrated. 12 February 2001: 54-59.
Newspaper Article:
*  Taylor, Michael. “Potholes Scar Roads Across Region.” San Francisco Chronicle. 23 October 2005:
*  Give the title of the article, author’s name, and article date within the body of the summary.
*  Summarize the event in your own words, using complete sentences. Spelling and grammar count.
*  Your summary will answer the following questions:
·         Who/what is the subject of the story?
·         Where did it happen?
·         When did it happen?
·         How did it happen?
·         Why did the event happen, or why was the event important enough to make the news?
·         Why did you choose this article?
·         What did you learn from the article, and what are your thoughts about this event/issue?
·         How does this event affect the world or region where it occurred?
·         How does this discovery advance science?
·         What does the discovery/event mean for our society?
·         What does this discovery/event mean for future work/the environment/humanity/etc.?
·         If the story is about a law or policy, how does the policy or law affect science/society?
Below are several acceptable web sites and sources for science news stories. If you wish to use a source not listed below, please check with me first.
Popular Science
New Scientist (News)
Wired Science
New York Times (Science Times)
Discover Magazine
National Geographic (News)
BBC Science/Environment
NPR - Science News
Boing Boing (Science)
Good (Environment, Food, Health, Technology, Transportation)
The Guardian (UK) Science
Scientific American                                  (Often written for college level or higher)
Reuters Science
NOVA: on line videos

Friday, October 23, 2015

Physical Science HW 10/23/15

1)  Finish final Lab write up for Drops of water on a Penny.

Analysis:      What is your average number of drops? Show an example of how you calculated the average  # of drops for the trials you did. Create a data table showing the average drop # for your group. Make a bar graph of your trails and the average # of drops.

Conclusion:             This should be in paragraph form and not just answers to the following questions
Prompts: Did you answer the question?   Do your results compare to the other tables?  Explain.  How might error have occurred in your experiment?  How can you redo your experiment to attain more accurate results?

Bonus Points:  if you finish early, you may earn bonus points for conducting a next step to this experiment.  You are limited to the materials provided on your person & you must make another lab write up.  You may also include a graph.

2)  Read and Take Cornell notes for Skills handbook pgs. 931 - 938 on measurement and organizing information.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Biology HW 10/21/15

read and cornell notes for pgs.159 -171 , Enzymes and Ch. 6.3 & 6.4

HW set #2

N2 + H2    NH3
K + B2O3  K2O  +  B
Mg  +  TiCl4  MgCl2  + Ti
C3H8 + O2 CO2 + H2O
Cu + AgNO3 Cu(NO3) 2  + Ag

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Biology CW/HW 10/19

Balance the following chemical equations:

1.  K + F2     KF
2.  CH4 + O2    CO2  +  H2 O
3.  Ca  +  H2 O    Ca(OH) 2   +  H2
4.  ZnO  +  HCl    ZnCl2  +  H2 O
5.  KClO3  KCl  +  O2