Thursday, March 19, 2015

Biology - E/EP Future organism Naming websites and procedures

For Future Organisms Scientific name
  1. Think of an appropriate descriptive common name in English then use the links to create a Latin or Greek scientific name
  2. Use web resources below to find roots words that describe a significant morphological feature.
  3. In most cases you will keep the same genus name unless your organism is very different from modern organism as a result of factors that might lead to more rapid evolution.
  4. Check with teacher to finalize your name.
  5. Follow the rules for binomial nomenclature (see below) every time you write down your ancestor, modern or future organism’s scientific name.

Very Good Web page with LOTS OF ROOTS to use when making future organism’s Genus and species names

Not as good a choice, would be to use a translator (may give modern terms and errors are common)
only use for English to Greek or Latin

Rules for Binomial Nomenclature
1.      First letter of Genus is always capitalized the species name is never capitalized.
2.      Hand written G & s names underlined if typed in italics.
3.      In writing where the scientific name is used often; write out completely as in rule 1 & 2 the first time the name is used.  After writing out once, you may abbreviate as follows:
a.      G. species like this H. sapiens, A. sativa
b.      If the species is unknown like most ancestors write out like this; Lilium sp., Eucalyptus sp.

This document is posted to my Blog site

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