Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Biology- Final/project/presentation

Bioethics Debate    1200 pts. (Thursday, May 23, 2013)


Ethics:  moral rules or principles of behavior for deciding what is right or wrong; an ethical decision is determined in favor of the greater good.


  1. In Groups of Three (fewer by my approval) you will research the pros and cons on an issue of bioethical significance.  After thoroughly researching the issue you will:
    1. Create a poster that identifies an EQ related to the ethics of your issue
    2. Present at least two opposing sides for the ethical issue in debate
    3. Ask a researched question of another group in debate (required of each student)
    4. Come to ethical decision that attempts to answer your EQ
    5. Use evidence from your research to support debate statements/questions


  1. A few considerations when designing an essential question:

1.      EQ’s are not answered with a yes or no.

2.      EQ’s require that we check/question our assumptions.

3.      EQ’s have multiple POV’s, making them controversial.

4.      EQ’s lead to deeper questions.

5.      EQ’s do not always have a correct answer.

6.      Answers to an EQ requires critical thinking.

·             Good for EQs:  Why, How, Why should, How should, Who could, What would…


  1. A poster is the minimum in required props for the debate, extra credit for those who take props further.  The poster will highlight your EQ and multiple view points on your bioethical issue, the pros and cons at least. 

·        What legislation (laws that might benefit either side) exists or have similar cases been used to support one side or the other for your issue?  For example, the Endangered Species Act might be used to support the side of a pro or con question.

·        What benefits will this science/technology have for society?  What risks?

·        Who will benefit financially from this science/technology?


  1. Questions:  Your group will need to prepare questions for other groups that force them to defend an ethical standing.  In turn, your group will need to think about potential questions you will face and answers to defend your ethical issues.  All of this should be done before the debate.  Each member of your team must think of two questions minimum about the ethics of an opponent group or groups.
    1. Do not ask any questions that can be answered with a yes or a no. 
    2. Use other groups’ posters and prior research on other topics to come up with powerful questions.  I will award bonus points for powerful thought out questions.




Symposium Format @ 500 pts project/test/quiz


  1. 5 Minute Introduction your group should present the bioethical issue through EQ and POVs.  No questions may be asked, yet, and the maximum five-minute time limit will be enforced.
  2. Questions: four other groups will ask their pre-generated questions about your ethical issue and your team will have 30 seconds MAX. to devise an answer supported by evidence from your research. 
  3. Repeat process for remaining groups
  4. Free form questions any remaining time will be used to ask pre-generated questions or new questions about any of the ethical issues debated.  Students that answer with evidence will earn extra credit.


For those of you who read the whole handout, enjoy a head start on the bioethical issues.

  • -Animal experimentation -Human cloning -Genetic testing -Genetic patents –Genetically Modified Organisms –Neuroscience – Cryogenomics (reanimating extinct species) –Organic vs. Commercial agriculture/farms –Stem cell research –community needs vs. endangered species--  -Destruction of the Rainforests/Deforestation-renewable farming practices -Pesticide Use in Agriculture


Poster @ 500 pts Lab


Grades will be based on having the following or not

1) Identify you Bioethical issue 2) Identify you essential question 3) 2 POV minimum 4)  Societal benefit  5) Economic benefit


Group Questions @ 200 pts cw/hw


Your group will need to prepare questions and think about potential answers to opponent questions prior to the debate.  Questions will need to be designed for each of the other bioethical issues being presented in class.  Do not ask any questions that can be answered with a yes or a no.  Use the posters produced by the other groups and prior research to come up with powerful unique questions. 


Your group will need to coordinate on who will design questions for which other groups; you want to make sure that your group of four has 2 unique questions for each of the other groups.  For example, *6 has 6 different issues being presented; each of their groups will need to design a total of 10 questions (2 for each other group). *1 has eight groups, so each group will need to design 14 questions (2 for each other group).   Each individual in your group must design at least two of the questions towards your group total and you may need to generate some questions as a group, see diagram on board.  



Ethics Debate Presentation

Participation:  Did all group members contribute equally?
Visual:  Did the poster legibly include the EQ and POVs as graphic representations of the issue?
Essential Question:  Did the group identify bioethical EQ and answer it?
POV Content:  Were there at least pro and con sides represented by the group?
Research:  Did the group present their ethics issue with real world examples?
Technical:  did the ethical issue appear to have been researched thoroughly, organized into POVs, and in general understood by the group?
Presentation skills did group members maintain eye contact, clarity, pacing
Engagement:  was the audience inspired to know more and ask questions?
Civility:  were group members respectful towards each other?
Were group members respectful towards other groups?

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