Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Earth science ND group questions

Disaster Research Worksheet
Hard Deadline Due date will be given on return from Spring Break; most likely during the week of 4/24/2013
 100 Points

Use the following worksheet to document your research about the disaster. The questions that will guide your research and make sure you get enough
information to be able to explain research details to your audience in your final product and presentation are provided on the second page of this
document. You may exchange research answers after the research due date so that each student may reference the information.

In the space provided below, complete the following:
1. Decide who will research each question on page 2. Write the group member(s) name(s) in the space provided. Each member should have at least 2 questions.
Some questions can be researched by multiple members to get complete and thorough information. Some questions are more challenging, so distribute the
work responsibly.
2. Answer all questions on page 2. You should answer and explain EVERY question completely, so check multiple sources to make sure you get all the
3. Make sure your answers are bullet points and in your own words. No plagiarism! No cutting and pasting! Be sure you understand the research enough to clearly
explain to the rest of your group.
4. As you complete your research, keep a running record of which sources you use by including a properly formatted textnote (i.e. parentheses with author’s last
name or website title in quotation marks) in the space provided and adding each new resource to your Works Cited Worksheet using the proper formatting. (Be
sure to pay close attention to proper punctuation, spacing, and other formatting requirements! Do this now and it will save you time and prevent frustration later.)

Tips on Research:
. Use sites identified during science class as a starting point. USGS.gov and NOAA.gov will have some basic information about your disasters.
Then continue your own research from a variety of sites to get a complete picture.
. Type keywords into your search engine, not complete sentences. Don’t type in the questions!
. Share good resources with your group members. If you notice a website might answer someone else’s question, let them know immediately.
. Ask for help if you can’t find something. Don’t just skip it.
. You may end up with several pages of research. It’s better to have too much than not enough.
. Don’t forget to document your sources!

Research Questions:
1. What is the important background information needed to know about the country’s geography in order to fully understand the disaster? Talk about the land/water,
latitude where it is on the globe, climate patterns, or anything else that might be relevant to understanding why this disaster happened and the severity of its impact.
[Group member(s): ______________________________________________________________________________________________________]
2. When and where did your disaster begin? List all locations affected in the disaster country. What lithospheric plates were involved/beneath your disaster?
[Group member(s): ______________________________________________________________________________________________________]
3. What is your disaster type? From your research, what are the basics of how this sort of disaster works? How was it ranked or measured in its severity? (For example,
if it was an earthquake: Richter magnitude? Mercalli? Types of seismic waves? Type of focus? Type of fault…? If it was a typhoon: over what waters did the storm
develop? What were the wind speeds? Amount/types of precipitation? How high was the storm surge? What rank on SS hurricane scale?, Etc.)
[Group member(s): ______________________________________________________________________________________________________]
4. Describe the series of events that occurred once your disaster hit? What happened first? Second? Third? Etc? Get all the details of the actual event! This should
include specific details for you disaster.
[Group member(s): ______________________________________________________________________________________________________]
5. How did your country plan in advance for a disaster of the type you are researching? Were there early warning systems? Were the country’s disaster plans effective?
What factors led to your country being prepared (or not)?

[Group member(s): ______________________________________________________________________________________________________]
6. How did your disaster affect your country immediately after it hit and the first few weeks after? Be specific about damage, death, injury, missing persons, the value of
property damage, etc. and how this affected life in the country in those first few moments and the few weeks after.
[Group member(s): ______________________________________________________________________________________________________]
7. What were/are the long-term effects of your disaster on the country? What do different sources say about how this disaster might affect the future of this country?
[Group member(s): ______________________________________________________________________________________________________]
8. What was the country and region like before the disaster? Describe
[Group member(s): ______________________________________________________________________________________________________]
9. What were the larger issues that made the disaster even more dangerous or damaging aside from the natural disaster itself? For example, how did the country’s
access OR lack of access to resources in education, science and technology make the situation better or worse after the disaster? Were there other factors that caused
even more damage? (i.e. poorly built roads and buildings, poorly maintained dams, deforestation, natural habitat degradation, etc.)
[Group member(s): ______________________________________________________________________________________________________]
10. How long did it take for the country to rebuild, if they ever did rebuild the area? If your disaster was really recent, how long are experts saying rebuilding and
redevelopment will take?
[Group member(s): ______________________________________________________________________________________________________]

# & Question
Notes on answer
Source Textnote
(start a
new line every time you start a
new source!)

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