Monday, April 30, 2012

Earth science 4/30/2012

See document below and come with a rough draft for rock id lab in your notebook through data table :  i.e.  create a rd of Q,H,T,M,P for answer 5 tests, and Data table

Igneous, Sedimentary & Metamorphic Rock Identification Lab 2012

Your group will examine and attempt to classify 9 different rock samples through use of the provided key and observations of their grain size, color, texture and any other physical properties/features unique to that rock.
  1. Each of you will need to make a Rough Draft (RD) in your notebook of the Lab write up where you: rewrite the question; compose a hypothesis, list the materials used to classify the rocks and a data table.   Teacher approval of RD is needed before moving to #2.
  2. You will conduct the lab with your group. You may only examine one rock sample at a time.  Observe and record the properties/features present in the rock.  Repeat the process with each sample.
  3. If your group came prepared you should have time in class to discuss the analysis questions and conclusion. Answer the analysis questions and complete the conclusion for home work. 
  4. Each student should complete a final draft of the lab using the rubric.  The lab write up is worth 200 points. For correctly identifying the unknown EC rock sample, I will award you 25 points.

Question:  Which physical attribute/identification method will be most useful for classifying rock samples? 
We will be using the following to help classify the samples:  a. Color(s); b. Hardness; c. Grain size; d. Streak test; e. Texture   

Hypothesis: Use your notes and prior experience at identifying rocks/minerals to hypothesize which attribute/method will best help you to identify the largest number of samples. This is not a hypothesis, it is a hint, so you must reword and create your own hypothesis.

Test: Rock samples will be classified by observing the following attributes: grain size, texture, color and any other physical properties. To determine the correct names for each rock sample; identification keys, notes, and prior rock id experience will be used.  The most useful attributes for classifying rocks may then be determined.

Materials:  List everything you use to collect data (See mineral ID lab for some ideas).

Procedures:  Label this section on your lab Procedures and Diagrams. List and briefly describe the methods of identification you are using and include diagrams.

Data Table/Observation Journal:
Create a data table with 9 rows, one for each rock sample.  Label the columns with sample #, the rock’s name, color, grain size, texture, other observable physical properties, and the feature that was most important to identifying the rock. Be sure to include drawings and description of each of the rock samples as part of your observation journal. 

Analysis:  Make a bar graph that illustrates which attribute was used most/most successful in identifying the samples. Answer these questions:

1) Were there any samples that you found difficult to classify?  Explain. 
 2)  Which attributes were least useful for classification?
3)  Classify each type of rock : igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic into its respective sub-groups and explain what allowed you to determine the sub group. 
 4)  Give two reasons we are studying rocks.

Conclusion:  Follow the lab  RUBRIC.

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