Friday, March 9, 2012

Biology EEp rubric- Due tuesday march 20th

Exceptional (5)
Good (4)
Satisfactory (3)
Revisit (1)
Content that should be included in your final product
All of 4 and:
the future organism is given a common name and a Genus species name based on Latin/Greek roots
All of 3 and:
Complete taxonomy (K,P,C,O,F, Gs) for the ancestral organism
A complete taxonomy (K,P,C,O,F, Gs & common name) is included for the modern organism
Incomplete/incorrect taxonomy (K,P,C,O,F, Gs & common name) is given for the modern organism

Environmental Factors
All of 4 and:
Identify the environmental pressures caused by human activity that the future organism responded to
All of 3 and:
Include maps that show the geographic range of the modern organism
Identify the biome (climate & geography) for the ancestral, modern & future organism
Biome information lacking/incorrect for the modern organism

All of 4 and:
Construct/ Predict a possible food chain for the ancestral organism
All of 3 and:
Predict a possible food chain for the future organism
Identify the niche and trophic level for the ancestral, modern & future organism and a food chain for the modern organism
Info. lacking/incorrect for the niche and trophic level for the ancestral, modern & future organism and/or food chain

Morphological & Behavioral Changes
All of 3 and:
Describe the significance of these adaptations in terms of fitness

Identify the morphological and behavioral adaptations for ancestral, modern & future organism
Info. lacking/incorrect for morphological & behavioral in ancestral, modern & future

Student makes obvious effort to accurately illustrate ancestral, modern & future organism
Student attempts to accurately illustrate ancestral, modern & future organism
Photocopies/print outs of ancestral, modern & future organism
Illustrations are missing or obviously done with out attention to detail

Presentation should include the following information on the future organism only
Evolutionary Principles
All of 3 and:
Explain in detail the evolutionary processes that lead to origin of future organism
All of 3 and:
Explain basic evolutionary processes that lead to origin of future organism
Present future organisms scientific name/meaning, biome, ecology and adaptations
Info. lacking/incorrect for future organisms scientific name/meaning, biome, ecology and adaptations

Eye contact
Eye contact good for all
Good eye contact
Eye contact attempted most of the time
Reading off poster etc.

Clarity and pace are good understandable by all
Clarity and pace are good understandable by most
Presenter understandable by most
not understandable

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